Cultural Values & Beliefs

Our Shepherd Community Academy team is committed to creating a team rooted in faith with a purpose to serve the children and their families in our community with a quality education that goes beyond the classroom. We are united in our Christian beliefs, values, and purpose. We believe that it is only through faith in Jesus Christ that any of us can find peace, joy, forgiveness, and lasting hope. Our teachers and staff sign a personal commitment to faith and our teaching not only integrates Biblical lessons and principles but also drives us in how we care for the needs of our students to help them in and out of the classroom.

      Shepherd Community Academy Cultural Values:

      A Christ-centered life of faith

      We are a community of faith grounded in serving people in a way that clearly reflects the foundational characteristics of Jesus Christ and His Church. We have found that faith is best practiced through specific behaviors and attributes as we serve.

      An attitude of hope

      We are optimistic and confident that Shepherd can bring the hope of Christ to people’s lives through our actions and our example. Those we serve are quickly aware of and drawn to staff and volunteers who demonstrate a hopeful attitude, making our service more effective and impactful.

      A dedication to service

      Demonstrating a compassionate and caring heart to those we serve and to each other is a constant and intentional part of our culture. A servant’s heart is characterized by actions, not just words.

      An unwavering focus on mission and purpose

      In the face of so much need and despair in our community, we remain focused on the challenging task of breaking the cycle of poverty on the near Eastside of Indianapolis. We address the challenges we witness in our neighborhood while maintaining a clear sense of our mission and purpose.

      A commitment to community

      We are committed to building and deepening relationships with our neighbors and stakeholders, recognizing that working and living with them in community benefits us all. We experience life with our neighbors and remain committed to improving the community.

      A desire for complete health and wellness

      Physically, emotionally, spiritually, and academically, we strive to build a culture that nurtures the complete health of every community member. Our staff and volunteers are dedicated to pursuing healthy, whole lifestyles.