Vision, Mission, & Core Values

Our Vision:

Shepherd Community Academy is committed to breaking the cycle of poverty on the near Eastside of Indianapolis. By providing a community focused on higher-quality academics with a Christ-centered approach, our vision is to equip students to be empowered, lifelong learners capable of high levels of achievement.

Our Mission:

We exist to empower our students by providing them with the academic, social-emotional, and spiritual skills and attitudes needed for them to become lifelong learners.

Our Core Values:

For our Shepherd Community Academy to be successful, we believe:

  • All students, staff, volunteers, and parents/guardians will be valued.
  • All students, staff, volunteers, and parents/guardians will be empowered.
  • Students will be equipped with the skills and attitudes needed to be achievers.
  • Students will be provided with the needed resources/support to be successful in and out of the classroom.
  • Students are encouraged to advocate for themselves and their learning.
  • Parents/guardians should be encouraged to advocate for their students and their learning.
  • Students will be equipped to be lifelong learners.
  • Students and teachers will learn to be flexible and adapt when encountering unpredictable circumstances.
  • Students must learn how to use critical thinking skills to innovate and problem-solve.
  • Students learn best when their success is considered from a holistic perspective
  • Students will be known and positively celebrated when they achieve goals and milestones.

Learn more:

Shepherd Community Academy is a program of Shepherd Community Center, a non-profit organization established in 1985 with a simple but staggering mission: to break the cycle of poverty on the near Eastside of Indianapolis through a Continuum of Care that meets the physical, emotional, spiritual, and academic needs of our neighbors from cradle to career. Located centrally within the neighborhood it serves, Shepherd offers programs for children, teens, adults, and families. Our primary tools? Education and love. Learn more at